Sunday, May 30, 2010

SHYANG Can Cook - Sr. 1: Mexican Night~

Buenas noches (Good Evening in Spanish - FYI: Mexicans speak Spanish), all the lovely people out there! Have you ever heard of Yan Can Cook by Martin Yan before? He is just my childhood hero that has influenced me to become the Food Monster today...!! Wonder why I would used YANG instead of Kev?! Because, it is given by my special one...*nod nod - Yes, you are the ONE~*

I thought it will be a great timing for me to make the kitchen alive by cooking a meal for my family. Hence, I have this in mind....Let make it a Mexican Night...

Bienvenido - Old El Paso Fajita Kits
All the cooking steps are just simple like a Finger Flick*
I have promised mum that I won't make a mess in the kitchen and I've become the Head Chef **Grin** Without any hesitation, I took out those frozen minced meat for it to defrost beforehand. Below are those ingredients that are compulsory (its more like a "regulation" for such staples?!):

From left and clockwise: 3 beaten eggs, chicken sausages, bell pepper/capsicum cubes & strips and sweet onions slices

YANG can FLIP! Pan-fry omelet - will provide another subtle texture for Fajitas~

Apart from those raw materials stated above, I thought omelet will be another great enhancement for our dinner, especially with the crispy outer skin and slightly pan-fried fragrance...The normal Fajitas don't seem to satisfy the much-demanding FM, so I gently arranged all the Fajita rolls onto a baking pan and sprinkled with Parmesan Cheese before putting into the oven for 15 minutes. Tick-tock, tick-tock...YIPPIE, time for DINNER, folks!

The Roasted Crispy-skinned Fajitas with Salsa as flavouring sauce...
Is someone knocking the door, asking for some tasting sessions?! d;

Mexican or Italian?! My brain can't even have a justified answer! It tasted exactly like the homemade Italia Pizza~ Mumbo Jumbo...I'm loving it! Everything seems so perfect except the Mexican flavouring powder which is towards the salty side, need some water to quench the thirst~

I really love cooking, baking and of course, EATING! But, when Rationality become a Liability, nobody can escape from the Chef's worst nightmare - CLEAN THE DISHES~ No exceptional even if you have produced a great dinner. Therefore, I have to wash all the cookery and plates by myself....~ Haaa! Ya, let's make dinner as a good practice as it will train up your patience, explore your knowledge on food handling to the widest and so least they are healthy in the way that YOU are the one who knows what ingredients/flavourings that are being used in those dishes~!

Together we promote the Healthy Life~


Thanks Big-Bro Hooi, you are awesome!! POCKIES all the way from HK~

Limited Edition Pocky Winter Chocolate - Melt in your HEART~

O.o Time will never wait for people but its us who need to grab the best out of it! Its time for me to head off to bed...A simple yet meaningful weekends, I'm delighted. :D
Tomorrow will be a better day~ Don't you agree people?! Till then, Adiós!!


Saturday, May 01, 2010

Rhapsodie de Fruit Loaf

Yea, TGIF~ Everyone is ecstatic as tomorrow will be a worldwide public holiday - Labour Day~ It is such a devastating week here and FM is furious to get more YUMMY food to compensate with the tiredness. Due to popular demand and peer pressures, I have decided to have another creation to keep everybody delighted in both visual and physical fulfillment. ;P

Let me present.........Rhapsodie de Fruit Loaf

I have decided to name this recipe as fruit loaf rather than fruit cake as this flour-product contains less moisture. Thus, it creates a great texture which sits right in between a cake and a bread. YUMMY!

Food Monster is also running out of fresh ideas lately. He needs to observe the surroundings and hopefully get to churn out some incredible senses. This time, I have scooped out a portion of the ready-bake batter and added in with some premium cocoa powder from the Dutch Chocolatier - Van Houten. Then, I have combined both portions right before sending it into the oven. It turned out to be.....

A chocolate-butter swirl fruit loaf with my favourite Dried Cranberries~

Cranberries have moderate levels of vitamin C, dietary fibers and essential dietary minerals as well as a balanced profile of other essential micronutrients. Folks, let's tuck in and promote a healthy life around our communities....Alright, perhaps another closer shot for you to drool even more x-p

Comments are most welcome...Food Monster is thinking hardly to improve his current techniques by trying a few more complicated oven-creations!! Hmm, guess I need to fully utilize these much anticipating weekends. They are truly precious for all the workmates, don't you agree?!


Well-fitted in this post  -  Pocky MARBLE

Alrighty, time for the FM to catch back some comfort sleeps in this cooling night. Guess I will put an end for this post, hope you guys like it. Good night, people ;)
